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About UE

University of Education, established on September 10, 2002, is the first specialized university in the field of Education in Pakistan.

Vision and Mission:
To prepare dynamic leaders and practitioners in teaching, research and management having content excellence, pedagogical competence, commitment and integrity who may ensure quality and sustainable development at all tiers and sectors of education. The UE mission is to:

  1. Offer nationally and internationally accepted academic programs to produce:
    • Classroom teachers to the need of public and private schools of various levels i.e. primary, secondary, higher secondary.
    • Educational Leaders and Managers
    • Educationists/Researchers/Curriculum Developers etc.
  2. Provide certificate and degree programs through continuous and virtual education modes for teachers of tertiary level.
  3. Integrate pre-service with in-service Teacher Education.
  4. Make university a thriving hub of educational research and knowledge creation.
  5. Make the teaching profession attractive to the youth by providing quality programs, providing fast track degree acquisition routes to abler students.
  6. Equal emphasis on quality and quantity of the product.
  7. Emerge as Leader institution in various branches of education.
    Learn and contribute through linkages with national and international academic community and society.
  8. Take equity measures to provide quality education.

Administrative Structure:

Public-Private Partnership:

In short span of time, the University of Education has assumed leadership role in the field of teacher education and classroom innovation. It has provided franchises to private schools all over the Punjab with an idea of providing opportunity to the teachers and students to have actual classroom experience and to provide leadership to the school system.

Collaborative Projects:

UE has signed and MoU with Inter Corporation to initiate the ¡®Intel to Teach Program at its campuses to polish the IT skills of its faculty and students. UE has also collaboration with Canada Pakistan Basic Education Project-CIDA for the improvement of its BEd program with the focus on teaching and internship. 

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